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What do I do if dictations are stuck in uploading status in InfraWare Mobile/InfraWare Dictation?

Answer / Solution

Troubleshooting - Jobs stuck in Upload status


  • From the IMC > go to Reports > IW Mobile > use the drop-down menu to choose a facility then the author
  • Validate that you can see a file in Drafts > view details > validate that the file has audio and whether the upload is in process/has started
  • IW Dictation user/author - the user may be having issues with WIFI and data if they are both turned on, or with connectivity issues on the WIFI connection. In this case, the author will want to turn off WIFI and use Data only when uploading.

  • Ensure that the data signal is strong prior to sending
  • From iPhone > Turn off WIFI and confirm Data is turned on
  • From iPhone Settings > InfraWare app > confirm Cellular Data is on; confirm Wi-Fi Uploads Only is off
  • Swipe the IW Dictation app to close; then restart the phone
  • Upon logging back into App, confirm whether the jobs in Drafts start uploading on their own (will now be in the Upload folder).
  • If they do not, tap into each job and resubmit
  • Remain in the area of good network connectivity until the uploads are complete.
  • **If files still will not upload try adding 60 seconds to the end (APPEND) and resubmit.
Files stuck in the Upload Folder

  • Navigate to the Uploads screen
  • Tap the Edit button in the upper right corner
  • Select the two jobs
  • Tap the button at the bottom to stop/cancel uploading and return them to drafts.
  • When in a location with good network connectivity, upload/submit the drafts, again. Remain in the area of good network connectivity until the uploads are complete.


Files are stuck in the Upload Folder

  • Does your device have a working network connection (cellular or WIFI)?  To test this, you can try:
  • From your phone, open a web browser and navigate to a website and verify that the site loads properly.  Open your Email and refresh to verify you are seeing the most recent messages and the time is correct.
  • Go to the Uploads folder (Workflow ➣ Uploads).  If the jobs are there you can restart the submission process by tapping on the play/pause icon.  *If the Pause/Play icon is not visible, long tap to select the jobs.  This will bring up a "cancel upload" button. Tapping that will return selected jobs to draft status.  Then go to an area with good connectivity and submit the jobs again, not leaving the area or closing the app until the upload completes.
  • Restart the phone, verify a strong network connection, and sign in to the InfraWare Mobile again.  This should initiate the Upload process. 
  • Please be sure that you do not sign out until the upload process has completed. 


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Last Updated
Thursday, September 1, 2022

mobile dictation app stuck upload KB845
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